For our children, Sasha, Ryan and McKayla who helped us here at the farm over the years, and are now out on their own, starting their own lives. We are so proud of the young adults you have become. We love you!

For my father, Francis, who sees beauty in all life and has a very generous and giving spirit, thank you for encouraging me to “dive right in”. Your passion for “doing what you love” flows through my veins and I am blessed to have your love and support. You gave me the best life growing up on our farm. You taught me how to make sure the gates were shut and to make sure the animals were fed. LOL... You taught me so much more, Dad, you taught me that it is not what you see in life, it is how you see it. The love and pride you give me cannot be measured. I love you.

For my mother, Anita, who gave me my love for horses and a creative spirit, thank you for all your support. Your patience and love has carried me many times and your spirit has strength like no other. I am forever thankful that you and Dad raised me with horses from the time I was born. My life with you growing up on a farm was wonderful. I learned how to care for and love animals, live off the land with crops, work hard, endure the hard times and rejoice in times of plenty, enjoy the small things in life and believe in myself. Thank you for everything . I love you ~

For my beautiful sister, who shares a love for horses, and Joe, thank you for your love and support. Misty, I admire your perseverance to follow your dream. The difference you make in peoples lives , is so great it cannot be measured. I love you ~

For my friend, Anna, who has and loves Morgans. I appreciate all your help during foaling and breeding season. I truly enjoy sharing those midnight hours with someone who will wait as long as I do to see a foal be born. Thank you ~

For our veterinarians, Dr Abagail Beaver, who is pictured, and Dr. Ed Metcalf, who are instrumental in the care of our Morgans, especially when we have an emergency, and helping us to confirm pregnancies, thank you for being here when we need you. We are forever grateful for all that you do.

For the haying crew, Derrick, Harry, my Dad and everyone who helps make beautiful hay to feed the herd throughout the year. Making hay for the herd is one of the most important things we do in the summer. It is a big job requiring team effort and prayers for enough rain and sunshine!

For Derrick who is the "Foreman" when is comes to making hay! You do an amazing job putting up beautiful hay, pushing on until it's done and keeping all the equipment running. Thank you!

For Harry, who's Morgan partner is named Cowboy, and who is always there to help at the farm no matter what job it is. I appreciate knowing you will be there. The idea for the smoking brand was excellent too by the way. Thank you!

For my Dad, who raised me on a farm and spent his life raising crops and livestock, now provides us with the land to produce beautiful hay on. Thank you for being a farmer Dad.
For the two most loyal farm hands I could ever ask for. Kit and Kate help watch over foals, keep the mice under control in the barn, and help redirect horses if need be. I love these two Border Collies and having them at my side makes every day complete.

For Rachel, Anna, Mom, Harry, McKayla and Derrick who are there for me when I need someone to help do a photo shoot or take a picture of me with our Morgans, I appreciate you more than I can express. I love photographing our Morgans, but I need help to get the great photos we have for our website, and all of you are instrumental in making that happen.

For all the wonderful people who have purchased Morgans from us around the world, we are grateful for the shared desire to own a Morgan horse, and thankful we have gotten to meet so many wonderful people. All of you are truly what keeps Rafter Bar D going. Raising foals to fullfill your dream of owning the great "American Morgan Horse" is why we do what we do.